Eric Marthinsen
Engineer, builder, optimist, and all-around curious guy

I heard earlier this week that I'm officially on the May ballot for the Millis Select Board seat! I've also had an inrush of projects. The home renovation project has some urgency behind it, so that's getting some attention. I want to do some architectural visualizations as part of that project, so I'm accelerating my timeline for learning Blender. So far, so good, but very busy.

UPDATED Feb 01, 2025

Follow the journey. I send out a monthly newsletter with updates to my projects and anything else interesting and worth sharing. To stay in the loop, you can subscribe. Here are the most recent newsletters:

Ah, nothing here yet. Bear with me. The first newsletter is coming soon!

Most posts are tied to a project or area of study, which you can access below. However, here are the most recent ones:

Jan 14, 2025
Getting on the Ballot

I kicked off the first step in getting on the ballot for the next town election.

These are the active areas of my life. These are longer than projects. Some are permanent, like parenting. Others are shorter-term, like coaching soccer.

I try to keep the active projects to a minimum, but it never works. Here's what I've got cooking right now.

In my humble quest to be the biggest know-it-all, these are the topics I’m currently studying. I post my journey with the hopes no one else walks into the avoidable landmines that I do.


Each month, or so, I send out an email with a quick update on active projects and links to anything new I post. Low noise. High signal. Never spam. Hope to stay in touch.